Yes, we have answers your questions right here! Before you leave a message, please take a look below. 99% of your questions will be answered here. If you truly cannot find the answer to your question, use the contact form at the bottom of this page. Please note, all responses will be sent by email. We are a small charity and do not have sufficient staff to return calls.
Please choose from the following actions:
You can easily edit your pet’s profile page at any time in two easy steps:
You can easily edit your pet’s profile page at any time in two easy steps:
You can easily edit your pet’s profile page at any time in two easy steps:
2. Once your are logged into your account, you can choose the “Add Another Pet” button. This will take you to a checkout for your additional pet profile.
You can easily edit your pet’s profile page at any time in two easy steps:
2. Once your are logged into your account, you can select “Superhero Pet Profiles” and then scroll down to the bottom and click the button that says, “Delete”
You can print an annual tax receipt for your donations. Simply login to your account. This function will be available starting in January.
If you are grieving the loss of your superhero, you have our deepest sympathy. You may wish to transfer your pet’s profile over to The Pet Memorial. This is a global dedication site for pets all over the world who have left an imprint on this world. Donations to The Pet Memorial sponsor the same incredible animal rescue programs as always, but in memorial of your pet.
You can easily edit your pet’s profile page at any time in two easy steps:
2. Once your are logged into your account, you can select “Superhero Pet Profiles“
3. Select your pet
4. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and choose the button that says “Transfer Pet Profile to the Pet Memorial“.
Please allow 5 – 7 business days for us to reply to your email. We ask for your patience as we are a charity operating on a very lean budget. Please write your question below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Harmony Fund
800 Main Street, Suite 217
Holden MA 01520
copyright © 2025 Harmony Fund. All rights reserved.
Harmony Fund is a 501c3 charity. Donations are tax-deductible.