In Their New Adoptive Homes – Bliss!

Animal rescue in finland

This month our Facebook supporters helped provide a little extra help to the amazing work of the Help For Furries rescue team, based in Finland. This tiny group rescues stray, abused and abandoned animals from landfills, dog pounds and captive cruelty in the Balkans. Harmony Fund has been supporting them periodically for the past few years.

Today we focus on the ones who are finally safe, free and enjoying new lives with their adoptive families. We thought you might enjoy seeing photos of a few of the happily-ever-after stories that you helped to write.

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About Superhero Pets

Superhero Pets is a creation of the Harmony Fund charity based in the USA. It’s designed to enable pets to become heroes as they share their blessings with other animals who are in deep need of help in the form of rescue, food, shelter, veterinary care and protection-from-cruelty… Learn more